Money Monday Biz Tip

The reason I wanted to speak on this today is that in my health coaching online course this weekend I heard a story about a lady that was doing nothing with her life; was hooked on sugar; and had no direction. She said she got involved in becoming a health coach and it built confidence and gave her direction. Once her journey began just as mine did there were alot of people telling her no and that her ideas where not going to work. This brings me to my point. "what you believe you will achieve" we all know this to be true but I don't think many people have a clear understanding of this... I'm saying if you think you will never get a "yes" then you're correct. Just move forward and focus on the vision at hand they might say no to your crazy idea at first but if you show you have not stopped working towards your goals/ visions and that same no person comes back around they will end up wanting you more then you need them!

NEVER TAKE NO AS AN ANSWER! No you can't do that; no you can't do this...
well I am here to tell you they are wrong!! YOU CAN! The answer is YES!!!

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