Doc K Rocks!

Gia had a check up at Doc K's "The Pediatric Center of Round Rock" Best in town! Gina's love it here


#mlnystyle #mlny

Ditch the chips

I have a bad habit of grabbing chips or fries when I get a sandwich for lunch... I challenged my self to ditch the chips and fries!! Today it was a banana! I not only felt full and satisfied but proud how easy it is to make the change!


Family Link Foster Care

First thought that came to my mind when I visited "Family Link Foster Care" was WOW.  As I drove down the long rocky road I was thinking to my self what a cool place! I pulled up to the building where the office was and could hear kids laughing and playing it gave me a good feeling right away...


WARNING Grocery Shopping!

Do you ever wonder why a grocery store is laid out the way it is?

         As I was walking through my local grocery store the other day I noticed that grocery stores are SO big! I started to wonder why were there so many options of isle after isle of possessed foods and why is the store laid out the way it is? I then noticed that I rarely go up and down any of the isles because I usually shop around the edge of the store and wanted to share with you why I shop this way and why it's a helpful tip to create a healthy lifestyle.

The Facts

Most grocery stores are arranged with produce on the left or right side of the store, with frozen foods on the other side. Chilled products are at the back of the store and meats are usually near the produce. Everything is designed to force you to walk around the store to buy most of your staples because that forces you to look at more displays and to impulse shop more. Store managers know that the more time you spend in the store, the more money you usually will spend in the store.

The grocery store is laid out so that it forces you to browse items you are not there to buy. Common items such as milk and dairy are at the back of most stores forcing you to walk through several isles of junk to temp you to buy more then you came to buy. Studies show that 70 percent of purchases are unplanned and usually occur the longer a shopper lingers in the store. Stay focused as much as you can when going through the store and follow the following tips to avoid over spending, buying junk food, and impulse buying.

Tips I have gathered to help me grocery shop
Make a list of items you need STICK TO YOUR LIST
Creating a list can be a challenge if you don't know what you want to eat for the week and this is where "Meal Planning" comes in! If you are serious about creating a healthy lifestyle and saving some money I strongly suggest taking a day or two out of your busy schedule and plan out your meals so that you can create a shopping list!

Shop at the same grocery
The reason I suggest this is so you know where everything is in the store and the "pretty colors" and "nice music" don't distract you. I know what items I need on certain isles and this helps keep me from buying random junk and items you really don't need.

Shop alone
I know it may be a challenge at first to go to the store with out your children but I promise it will save you time, money and stress. I hear this term the other day "pester power," which is a marketing term that relates to the power of kids influencing purchase decisions.

Benefits of shopping the perimeter

Saves you money by cutting back on "impulse buying"

Helps to create a healthy lifestyle
Rids the risk of buying to much junk/processed foods

Next time you're in the grocery store think about it; keep an eye out for how certain items are placed and be careful not to buy extra junk that's not on your list!

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Filming at Posh!

    Today I went down to Posh and did some video testimonials!  It was so great and once again I met some one new!! I freaking love this place; I needed a videographer and actually had a real business and not just a "camera" claiming they did video work. So now that I have met the T.Slankproductions team I can get this video done! YAHOO.. I also met a wonderful lady that does Mary Kay (Lillie) and we start chatting about health and fitness right away it was so awesome we are going to do some networking together! :)

Life is all about building relationships. Period there is nothing else to learn. lol lesson of the day! BUILD RELATIONSHIPS

I'm telling you; you have to come check out this co working space! I highly recommend it to everyone; Blossom the owner of Posh has a wealth of knowledge and is such an amazing women to be around! Check out what we did today :) lol I'm trying to "embrace" the camera since I want to do video blogs 

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Posh Co Working!!


Today I have spent some time at Posh Co Working this is the coolest places to come run your business vs at home meeting clients. It's a co working spot you can rent conference rooms, they have a class room, and great space for networking. You will feel right at home when you come here to work and you can meet some great people here to build your business, learn a lot about your self and tips on your business.

They even offer classes about various marketing tips, social media and writers class! It's WAY better then going to some random coffee shop and not knowing the environment before you get there; where as at Posh you know it will be quite and reliable!

I attended the "Writers Lounge" this past week and it has made a major difference in my writing and I got an awesome "Blog Editorial Calendar" that gives you a schedule to make sure you're getting your writing done in a timely manner with deadlines to keep you on track. I feel so much more confident in my writing now that I have attended this class and I would highly recommend it to anyone in the Austin area to come check it out. It's every other Wed @ 1 pm CT

Join the community at Posh and grow your business!!

Here are some photos of what Posh looks like; I personally LOVE IT!! I feel so professional where I'm here and bring my clients!

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Tasty Tuesday: Shrimp Grits


Makes: 4 servings
Prep 15 mins Cook 15 mins
View Nutrition Facts


  • 1 cup quick-cooking grits
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1/2 yellow onion, diced
  • 4 thin slices prosciutto, cut into thin strips
  • 6 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1 cup canned diced tomatoes with juice
  • 2 tablespoons dried oregano
  • 1 pound large shrimp, peeled and deveined, tails removed
  • 2 cups loosely packed arugula
  • Cayenne pepper (optional)


1. Bring 4 1/2 cups of salted water to a boil in a medium saucepan over high heat. Whisk in the grits; reduce heat to medium low. Cook, stirring occasionally, 15 minutes.
2. Meanwhile, heat a skillet over medium heat. Add the olive oil, onion, prosciutto and garlic. Cook, stirring occasionally, until onion is golden brown, 8 to 10 minutes. Add the tomatoes, oregano and shrimp. Cook until shrimp are opaque, about 4 minutes. Add the arugula; cook 1 minute.
3. Place grits on plates; top with shrimp mixture. Sprinkle with cayenne pepper if using.

I love this meal!!! It's so good :)

NOTE: This recipe and photo was taken from

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Learn why diets don’t work.

Please join Micki Gram: Health Coach
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Thursday, January 10, 2013
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