Day 8- JUST Do it Jun 23, 2011

Ever feel like you really want to do something and just don't have the energy motivation or drive to do it or get it done? It's so easy to let the lazy voices in your head tell you not to do it or you can do it later.... stop listening and get off your butt and get it done!! You have a dream to do something move into action to get it going!

Example: I want to go to Italy more then ANYTHING right now and I don't even has a passport so I have to take the first step in getting a passport instead of making excuses like I don't make enough money to go or I don't have the time. I have to start taking the steps to do things I want and to get things done!

So JUST DO IT! Quit with the excuses.

Smooches MG

Day 7- Let go and let god June 22, 2011

It's so easy to stress about life and the small things that come with life. It's very important to know what you want in life and have faith in what you want you will get.

"Have faith that whatever must happen for him to achieve his goal, will indeed occur, all things become possible."

I love this quote and live by it! You must believe in your self and your dreams/ goals to ever achieve them and be confident that it will happen.

Smooches MG

Day 6- JUST Tell him! June 21, 2011

This is a very common issue that comes up in conversations with my girl friends. They start off by saying well my birthday is coming up and I hope Joe gets me this; with the hopes of Joe reading my friends can read his mind... Ladies if you want something special for your birthday and you know exactly what you want JUST TELL HIM. Trust me it will save you the heart ache when you don't get what you want and then a problem comes up!

Another example of this is when your man asks you (now I know men do this but mainly women) what do you want to eat? You then say I don't care or I don't know. Then they say ok lets got to pizza hut and then you go ANYTHING BUT PIZZA.... Be definte in what you want in life or other people will make the choice for you and then you will end up with something you REALLY didn't want at all in the first place.

Just tell him what you want it will save alot of drama and disapointment in the end.

Smooches MG

Day 5- Weighting the good and bad June 20. 2011

When you're stuck in a sticky situation and not sure what way to go "leave or stay" type of thing. This helpful trick as always helped me when I need some advice but what everyone was telling me wasn't want I wanted to hear. I would make a list of the pros and cons. For example to leave a job and go to a new one below is some things good and bad about jobs.

Pro: Better pay, 7-3 work shift, paid holidays..... so on and so on

Cons: Less money but closer to where I live, paid sick leave... so on and so on

Doing this really helps weight your options you can also do this for your relationships and just like numbers never lie neither do your feelings and the facts. So make sure you really put some thought into this exercise when you practice it...

Good luck hope it helps with your next crossroad!

Smooches MG

Day 4- Do you! June 19, 2011

The reason I wanted to speak about "doing you" is because we tend to easily lose our self in relationships, work, family and life in a whole. It's so easy to let your self go when you have a kid TRUST ME I was headed down that path for about a month or so giving up all my hobbies I liked but I'm a "mom" and my child of course comes first but YOUR life is not over it's just getting started!

How to do you?
  • Write a list of your dreams/ goals (not the family goals YOUR goals)
  • Write a list of things you enjoy; hobbies, sports, activities
  • Work out a plan so you can start enjoying who you are
My list
  • I love to paint so every Sunday I paint with Gia I give her a sheet of paper outside and some paint and she goes to town and I paint what I want...
  • I like to play soccer & volleyball... I joined a Tues night league
  • I enjoy being pampered so I have monthly spa days
When you become involved in a relationship make sure not to lose your self in the relationship. I have also been a victim of this. It's so easy to give up the "single" life when you become involved but it's very important not to smoother your spouse keep up the chase so they call it DON'T give up your single friends because they go down town and party it's ok to have a normal life with your single friends... if you don't go out with your single friends because your in a relationship then you need to seriously evaluate if it was worth being in that relationship and don't give me that crap about oh well im in a relationship now and can't go out. YES you can unless there is something deep down inside you that you know you can't control your self when you party with your single friends... That's another topic lol

So remember always DO YOU never forget who you are and if you feel your going down that path follow the 3 simple things to "do you"

Don't lose yourself when life happens and never forget where you came from and always know where you want to go!

Smooches MG

Day 3- Always follow you instinct June 18, 2011

You ever get that feeling you want to do something so bad and then those little voices in your head tell you; you can't or tell you how it won't work or better yet when you best friend or close family member tells you something totally opposite of what you want?? ALWAYS go with your gut feeling!! If you ever want to be something or someone great you can never let the little people in your life alter your dreams or goals!!

These type of people "little people" don't know they are harming you in fact they truly believe they are helping you by giving you advice. The problem is if you believe then you can achieve if you don't believe well you get the point...

ALWAYS FOLLOW YOUR HEART'S DESIRES and go with your gut instinct!

Smooches- MG

Day 2- Wear Clothes That Fit Your Shape June 17, 2011

This is VERY important; every women and man are made differently and in their own special way. Make sure to wear clothes that fit your shape for example I am pretty tall so I know I couldn't wear the same length dress that my friend can seeing that she is 5 '2 and I'm 5'  10" no one wants to see your booty hanging out and if they do then they can go to the beach, club, or strip club. You know if something fits you so make sure you make your best judgement it's normal to gain and lose weight so make sure you update your wardrobe when you gain or lose weight... If you google what types of styles fit my shape so you can get a better idea.

Marylin Monroe was a size 12 and honey she was a bomb shell! It's all in how she wore her clothes.

Smooches MG

Micki's Mind- 100 Days of my thoughts and opinions

Hey everyone!

Over the next 100 days I will be writing a random thought or tip for business owners; mothers; lovers; and just girls/women. Please feel free to comment or write your own opinion and add what my thought!

DAY 1: Women wearing foundation
When you're doing your make up PLEASE get a foundation that matches your skin. If you don't know what tone matches your skin DON'T stand in front of the make up isle putting various colors on your hand it DOESN'T match your face tone trust me and try to guess just ASK some one. It's OK to ask for help. Keep in mind you will more then likely need two colors for you skin tone a winter tone and a summer tone unless you're a hermit and never go out in the summer to get sun. That's normal I've had a summer like that. It's OK! Second part of the tip is to please please please do your self a favor and put foundation on your neck so you can avoid the big nasty orange line on your chin! Blend it all together to a nice smooth color from face to chin to neck. Add a bit of face lotion to make the foundation spread better; this also helps to prevent the dry look when you apply foundation.

Please feel free to comment and add other advice or tips below. Thanks
Smooches MG

June 3, 2011

Baby Gia got teeth!! What an amazing discovery! I love being a mom and watching my daughter grow up... gosh they do grow fast! I used to always be like ya ya ya when some one told me that but WOW it's so true!

I've still been working out down a total of 18 lbs and still loosing! I'm going to start taking classes at 24 hours so I'll keep you posted on how those goes! Wish me luck

Thanks for your support SMOOCHES MG