Micki's Mind- 100 Days of my thoughts and opinions

Hey everyone!

Over the next 100 days I will be writing a random thought or tip for business owners; mothers; lovers; and just girls/women. Please feel free to comment or write your own opinion and add what my thought!

DAY 1: Women wearing foundation
When you're doing your make up PLEASE get a foundation that matches your skin. If you don't know what tone matches your skin DON'T stand in front of the make up isle putting various colors on your hand it DOESN'T match your face tone trust me and try to guess just ASK some one. It's OK to ask for help. Keep in mind you will more then likely need two colors for you skin tone a winter tone and a summer tone unless you're a hermit and never go out in the summer to get sun. That's normal I've had a summer like that. It's OK! Second part of the tip is to please please please do your self a favor and put foundation on your neck so you can avoid the big nasty orange line on your chin! Blend it all together to a nice smooth color from face to chin to neck. Add a bit of face lotion to make the foundation spread better; this also helps to prevent the dry look when you apply foundation.

Please feel free to comment and add other advice or tips below. Thanks
Smooches MG


  1. And if you have a teenage daughter, teach her that the purpose of make up is for it to look "natural" not like a Halloween mask...

  2. OMG Very good point Sarah! Thank so much for adding that... I'll be curious to know what Gia is going to be like growing up :)
