Day 4- Do you! June 19, 2011

The reason I wanted to speak about "doing you" is because we tend to easily lose our self in relationships, work, family and life in a whole. It's so easy to let your self go when you have a kid TRUST ME I was headed down that path for about a month or so giving up all my hobbies I liked but I'm a "mom" and my child of course comes first but YOUR life is not over it's just getting started!

How to do you?
  • Write a list of your dreams/ goals (not the family goals YOUR goals)
  • Write a list of things you enjoy; hobbies, sports, activities
  • Work out a plan so you can start enjoying who you are
My list
  • I love to paint so every Sunday I paint with Gia I give her a sheet of paper outside and some paint and she goes to town and I paint what I want...
  • I like to play soccer & volleyball... I joined a Tues night league
  • I enjoy being pampered so I have monthly spa days
When you become involved in a relationship make sure not to lose your self in the relationship. I have also been a victim of this. It's so easy to give up the "single" life when you become involved but it's very important not to smoother your spouse keep up the chase so they call it DON'T give up your single friends because they go down town and party it's ok to have a normal life with your single friends... if you don't go out with your single friends because your in a relationship then you need to seriously evaluate if it was worth being in that relationship and don't give me that crap about oh well im in a relationship now and can't go out. YES you can unless there is something deep down inside you that you know you can't control your self when you party with your single friends... That's another topic lol

So remember always DO YOU never forget who you are and if you feel your going down that path follow the 3 simple things to "do you"

Don't lose yourself when life happens and never forget where you came from and always know where you want to go!

Smooches MG

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