My personality type

So I have been doing some personal growth things/ projects on my self and did a personality type test this morning and not to my surprise it pin points me to the tee!! :)) read below about my personality and to find out yours!

Your Profile

You are an ESTJ (Extravert, Sensor, Thinker, Judger)
ESTJs represent between 8 and 12% of the U.S. population
ESTJs are great at getting things done. They like to run the show and make things happen. They are practical, realistic, talkative, and highly analytical. They have a no-nonsense approach to life and they live by a code that includes working hard and behaving honorably. They like structure and can remember and organize many details. They systematically set about achieving their goals on schedule and as efficiently as possible.
ESTJs are driven to make decisions, often basing them on their own past experience. While outgoing and friendly, ESTJs prefer to be in control, are strong-willed and very verbal. They are objective and analytical and have great reasoning power - rarely convinced by anything other than hard facts and logic. ESTJs are usually easy to get to know, since "what you see is what you get."
Personality Type can be a gateway your ideal career, relationship, parenting and even your sales and networking. You can learn more about your personality type by purchasing a Custom Personality Type Report.


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