Giving up on your dreams to raise your child?!?

I have noticed over the past few months hearing various peoples stories saying "I gave up on my dreams to raise my child" this just kills me!! WHY would you give up on your dreams like your life is over when you have a child?!?   My daughter is my reason WHY I strive every day to fulfill my dreams. I believe in leading by example and what kind of example are you leading by "giving up on your dreams to raise your child" I think it's a lame excuse to quit! Every day is a new day and even more reason to focus on your dreams; push to be better; and strive for the best! It may not happen over night but in due time if you don't quit your dreams are going to come true period.

The old saying is "if there is a will there is a way" I live in the USA and we are one of the freest countries in the world so how dare parents give up on their dreams. I feel personally you can do it and have it ALL! It's not easy that's for damn sure but it's worth it! I teach my daughter to never quit; try and try again! The only way to fail in life is to quit. Instead of looking at something not working look at it as a lesson learned....

You may not be an over night success but if you complete one task a day, form marketing habits, schedule one networking even a week or month if a week is to much and set goals over time all your late nights early mornings blood sweat and tears WILL PAY OFF; I promise!! I'm a single mother and trust me there are days when I'm like forget it! What do I do? Go work out; relax do something that changes my thinking so when I come back to business I'm focused again instead of dwelling on the issue at hand. 

So next time you hear some one say "I gave up on my dreams to raise my child" SLAP THEM lol no really ask them why would you do that? Why would you teach your children that? WHY would you put that burden on them like they were such a challenge that you couldn't fulfill your dream/ destiny?? I mean COME ON you get up and go to work daily to run a business that is some one else dream; don't you? What's the difference between getting up going to work and staying up late to work on your dream?!?!

Let your dreams be your why and get your ass up every day and push push push to be great!

You can achieve your dreams or make excuses. PERIOD.

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