Money Monday Biz Tip: Haters are motivators!

Haters are motivators

Eddie Borgo pave jewelry
$525 -

Let your haters be your motivators... Now I am not referring to JUST the people who talk bad about you behind your back; I am speaking on the people closest to you! So you have started a business for the 10th time or the first time and you're excited and telling everyone about your great new venture...( I am speaking from experience on this situation) These people close to you will say things like; "Are you sure that's a good idea;" or "WHAT doesn't work/ you don't make money" and so on. Don't mind them they will try and convince you that they are just looking out for you.... The issue with listening to these people is they are not entrepreneurs and risk takers like you are! You wouldn't get advice from some one over weight if you're trying to lose weight would you?? NOPE

What people don't realize is they are taking a bigger risk by NOT doing what they love; trying new things; and stepping out into the "unknown" they are risking having to work a 9-5 long after they retire and they also risk hating what they do for a living their entire life.

Take risks what else are you going to do?? Listening to the 99% of people who are on auto pilot will keep you in the box you're pushing so hard to break free from!


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