Are carbs bad?

When it comes to "carbs" so many people have been misconceived. Carbs are NOT bad we have been brainwashed into believing this! It's the "refined grains" that are EVIL as we say.... the chips, pop tarts, and popcorn are also known as refined grains. The GOOD/ HEALTHY "whole grains" such as brown rice, Quinoa, millet, and kasha are considered good carbs. Now you hear these names and say to your self what is Quinoa?? Well it's time to try something new. I tell you from personal experience since I've been eating these types of grains my "system" is running much smoother.

Cooking whole grains.
  1. Make sure you soak your grains over night in water before you cook them. It's important to do this so the grain releases it's nutrients. 
  2. Cook in bulk. "Cook once eat twice/ three times"
  3. Boil your water cook the grains until they are soft usually takes me about 15-20 mins 
  4. ENJOY
There are so many things you can make with rice and it's important to have whole grains in your diet. You will be surprised how much better you feel when you eat whole grains and how much more full you feel.


Here are some details about a few whole grains

Millet is a very small, round grain with a history that traces back thousands of years. It was the chief grain in China before rice became popular, and continues to sustain people in Africa, China, Russia, and India. Millet is an extremely nutritious and hardy crop that grows well under harsh or dry conditions, both of which contribute to its widespread use and popularity around the world.

Quinoa (pronounced KEEN-wah) has the highest nutritional profile and cooks the fastest of all grains. it is an extremely high-energy grain and has been grown and consumed for about 8,000 years on the high plains of the Andes Mountains in South America. The Incas were able to run such long distances at such a high altitude because of the powerful grain. 

Kasha is the name for buckwheat that has been roasted to a deep amber color. It is one of the oldest traditional food of Russia. Despite its name, buckwheat is not actually a member of the wheat family, but rather a relative of rhubarb. of the grains, buck wheat has the longest transit in the digestive tract and is the most filing.

Brown Rice has all bran layers intact and thus contains all of its naturally present nutrients. These layers of bran act to protect the grain and to help maintain its fatty acids. Brown rice contains the highest amount of B vitamins out of all grains. Additionally, it contains iron, vitamin E, amino acids, and linoleic acid. Brown rice is high in fiber, extremely low in sodium and it composed of 80% complex carbohydrates. Because brown rice is a whole food, it takes longer to digest than white rice, providing the body with sustained energy through out the day.

To sum it up we have been brainwashed to believe carbs are bad well the conclusion is clear we need WHOLE GRAIN carbs for energy, good digestion system and nutrition.

References: Integrative Nutrition

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