Money Monday! Be organized!

Money Monday biz tip is to be organized! As I am journeying into my new entrepreneurial adventure I've noticed that I'm not as organized as I would like to be. I started to notice how important it is to have certain things ready at all times; for example: having a place to take notes either via paper; i pad or some sort of way to take notes quickly; having your business card on hand at all times this is even more important when attending an event always be ready; also have a place for your files or important documents weather it's on your computer or hard copy have them in a certain place so it's easy to access them at all times. These are  just a few simple things to start doing as your develop a system to be organized. It's also helpful to set aside time each week to "re-organize" meaning take a few hours each week on one day a week mine for example is Sunday evenings and Tuesday mornings the reason I chose these days is Sunday evening is a good time to review the week ahead and Tuesday mornings I organize my "admin" items. I split these two up because it's easier for me to plan what admin items need to be done and then get those done while on Sunday evenings I plan the events or activities for the week. Some people knock everything out at once for me it just takes a bit more time then I have during my "get organized" times. Here are a few things you can do to get organized....

1) Get a calendar either via phone, computer, or hard copy one you can have access to quickly
2) Mark important things on your calendar come up with a schedule for your self ( Here are few of mine)
    *Working out
    *Study time: I always take time to study either a new language, more health information, or cooking
    *Appointment times
3) Set-up a filing system; get a filing cabinet to file important documents; then label the folders
4) Create a system for tracking profit and expenses using a spreed sheet or a software like quickbooks
5) Create a morning routine... This is so important to me since becoming an entrepreneur; with out my morning routine to get me up and my day started things tend to fall behind or I get lazy if I don't have an appointment for the day
6) Set goals; this will help you create your schedule now that you have things to get done/ accomplished
7) Make a work space; I work out of my home and I quickly found out that the couch can't be considered a "working environment" so I bought a desk from Ikea an set up a small office space in my room; this made a huge difference in my organization

8) Pick a day of the week that best fits your working schedule to take time to plan for the next 7 days or week it's very helpful to plan head and be prepared this will play a major role in being organized is having a plan and being ready for following week
9) Stay on schedule sometimes things don't go as we planned that's fine but in order to stay organized it's important to stay on schedule! Let's say your 1 pm cancelled find out what can take that place do it and be ready for the 2 pm appointment don't get lazy now that things didn't go as planned.
10) Keeping track of contacts seems easy to some but when you have 10-15 new business cards a day coming at you it will be very helpful to schedule in time to "organize your new contacts" come up with a system. I use google contacts it's simple and easy to sync with my devices.

Those are just a few simple tips to help keep you organized and to start your journey of becoming organized... Hope this helps as it's what I do and I feel I am pretty well organized. Feel free to offer more tips in the comments as I would love to hear what you do stay organized!

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