Money Monday! You are who you hang with

Who are your 5 closest friends?

Over the past few years I've been told by many mentors you are who you hang with; the reflection of your 5 closest friends. Not until the past few months have I really taken this to heart and started making changes. It's not about who makes the most money as many people think it's about the quality of the person you're surrounding your self with.

Here are a few things you can do to determine if you're closest 5 are a positive or negative in your life....

  • Take a look at your 5 closest friends write out pros and cons about having them in your inner 5 and evaluate if they are an asset or liability and if their habits, personality or goals line up with yours...
    • Pros: Gives good advice, I admire them, does what they say
    • Cons: Always late, lots of drama, no goals, bad money habits 
  • Do you feel comfortable talking about your dreams, money, passions with your 5? If not this is not a good sign these are important topics when stepping into the unknown
  • If you feel drained when get done hanging out with your friends this is a sign they are energy "suckers" you always feel tired after you hang out with them this can be exhausting to you; I suggest limiting your time spent with this person
  • Topic of conversation: if you're serious about building a business, having goals and accomplishing them then you have to have quality conversation! If all you can talk about is what is on TV and you don't watch TV it will make it difficult to fit this type of person into your success driven future
  • Always think you dream "to much" or they bash your ideas, goals this can be dangerous because you will start to doubt your self and pull away from your dreams and get off track
Now please don't think I am saying never talk to these people again or be mean and nasty to them because they just don't have the same dreams, goals or ideas as you it's ok. These people are still important part of your life they will be your supporters and  you will always need support.

Surround your self with people who you can share ideas with, have quality conversation, feel like you can learn something from them, they have big goals and dreams; motivated there are so many good qualities in people you just have to find the ones that are in sync with you and your goals.

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