Healthy eating is a lifestyle not a diet!

Eating healthy is not a "diet" it's a lifestyle. Eating healthy takes so much more then just eating an apple a day. It's about when you eat, portion size, and what foods are best for you. What type of foods you eat can affect your mood, how you deal with things and so much more then just consuming food.

It does take work to create healthy eating habits and it's so important to start some where. If you could just cut some soda and fast food out of your daily routine you would be surprised at the results you will start to see!

Over the next few weeks I'll be giving some wonderful tips on how to create a "healthy lifestyle" I use the term lifestyle because when you say diet it's usually a short term goal to lose a certain amount of weight; I want to focus on a life long goal of eating healthy.

Follow me on my journey to grow and create a healthy lifestyle one day at a time....

Mom Entrepreneur "Mommapreneur Life" 

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