Packing a small lunch box for a busy day!

 When you have a busy Saturday full of birthdays, running errands or various family activities you will not only save money by packing a small lunch box full of fruits, veggies and even a sandwich you're impacting your childrens eating habits and their health!  I know sometimes we are already busy enough getting the kids ready for the day but is spending $10-$15 at a fast food joint worth your childs health or your pocket book?

If you could wake up 30 mins before your kids or stay up 30 mins after they go to bed prepping for the day and what you and your children are going to eat for the day you will not only save money you will be making a major impact on your children's health!

Here are few quick things you can pack in the lunch box
Box of raisins
Cut up strawberries
P&J sandwich
Ham/ Turkey slices
Block of cheese

It's these small healthy steps as parents we take that impact our children on a much bigger scale then what they wear or how their hair is done or even the activities they are partaking on that busy day.

Mom Entrepreneur "Mommapreneur Life" 
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  1. Packing lunches is such a wonderful way to encourage helath, save money, and show your kids you care. Love it!

    1. It really makes a difference! I NEVER get sick and always wonder what it was then when I became a health coach and learned about all the "real" food and things along those lines I quickly learned I'm healthy because my father packed my lunch, cooked home cooked food and really cared about my health and so I am doing the same for my child because I am living proof of what it does to kids to allow them to eat "vending machine and school junk food" :) Thanks for your awesome comment!
