My experiment with Caffeine

Over the past few weeks I have been experimenting with caffeine to see what effects it has on me. I very very rarely drink coke nor do I drink coffee so you can imagine what I've been dealing with this past few weeks!!

I started with green tea to ease my self into the experiment... I made one cup of Lipton green tea and added some honey to extra flavor/ sweetness. At first I felt great I could focus clearly and I got SO much done! A few hours later I got a minor head ache and felt a bit tired.

A few days later I drank a Starbucks double shot espresso energy drink. I was alert for a very long time and didn't have much of a head ache as I did with the green tea but it took me a long time to get the caffeine out of my system and took me a long time laying in bed to finally fall asleep.

My last experiment was with 5 hour energy.  I had to drive during the night from Texas to Louisiana and was worried I wouldn't make it all the way there with out falling asleep; so before I started my 6 hour drive I gulped the 5 hour energy drink... WOW no telling how much caffeine is in that tiny bottle of stuff! OMG I was wired and I mean wired!! LOL I arrived at my destination at 1 am and I couldn't stop jitterbugging and didn't fall asleep until about 4 am. I couldn't control my self it was kinda scary to be honest.

That's my story of how caffeine effects me...I'll stick to water!!

Do you have a caffeine issue? Do you drink 3+ cups of coffee a day? What is your favorite from of caffeine?

I'll stick to the green tea if I ever need some pepping up! What an experiment that was!!


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  1. I stay away from most caffeine and generally only have 1-2 cups of coffee in the mornings, that is every morning. For a long while I really liked Red Bull, I stopped drinking them for about 2 weeks. I had one the other day and I noticed that after about 5 hours I was exhausted and ready for a nap or bed time. I think I'll stick with water as well. Thanks for input Mommapreneur!

    1. Ya I have drank Red Bull before but it didn't give me much of an energized... It's good that you put together your being tired with the drink lol isn't it funny how alert we are and that we can take over the world then BAM we are down for the count!! That movie limitless has a deeper meaning to it if you think about it :) Thanks for your comment!!
