Day 15- Day 17 Dec 16th-18th "It's ok to say no"

During the past few days I have been so busy with family coming into town and my daughters 1st birthday with me moving into a new place on top of everything else going on I went furniture shopping and actually have a TV in my house for the first time in almost 3 years! I'm not sure what to do with my self... I have been finding my self over booking my self and trying to be "super women" so to speak and being a YES women. I have gotten to the point where I have to learn to say no... That brings me to my point.

There will always be those situations where you want to say yes yes yes but you just don't have the time to say yes and you need to learn to be honest with your self and with the others asking you if you can do something for them. It's ok to say no I'm learning and people will respect you more if you're honest with them up front. I have put my self in several of these situations and all I can do is move forward and hope nothing but the best and do the best I can. Now that I have learned this I have made more time for my daughter... She is getting to the age where she needs lots of attention and her dad works about 6 days a week so I am in charge of finding fun things to do and providing the balance she needs and I need to run a business. This has been one of my biggest challenges and I'm sure many of you mompreneurs or even working mothers have faced when to say no to a client or your job and when to say yes to your child. I have come to the conclusion family is always and will always be first in my book. I have chosen to put my family first and put down lots of these here and there projects to help others because I just don't have the time. I am getting focused on being the best mother I can and the best entrepreneur I can.

Make sure you give back to your family because at the end of the day they will only be the ones there.


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