It's not WHAT you say it's HOW you say it.

Some one very near and dear to me told me not that long ago "It's not what you say it's how you say it" it never really made sense to me until the other day. I honestly thought that didn't apply to me... this is where I was wrong. It all comes back to "treat others the way you want to be treated."

If you're irritated with some one and you come off rude when you answer a simple question and the person you're talking to is going to wonder why you snapped over a simple question; I strongly suggest you go look in the mirror and take a deep breathe! BREATHE calm down don't let small things in life drive you crazy. There is obviously something deeper going on if you have such an irritation with some one over "nothing."

The reason I touched on these examples is because since I have been opening my self up to "growing" and becoming a new and improved person as my goal for 2012 I have been noticing alot about my self and I want to offer some suggestions to others...

Don't "overreact" about things; stop and think about them before you make a move. Life is like the game of chess you must think about what move you will take next; that's if you're not like most people who let life take control and move you through it w/ out your consent.


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